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Support The Mission

As a nonprofit we are donor supported. Our homeless community needs your support to find their way home. Thank you for partnering with us!

KRM is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. WSCR #27830



What to expect as a long term guest at Kitsap Rescue mission

Resource Guide

reserve a bed

Overnight Shelter

Kitsap Rescue Mission’s year-round, continuous stay shelter is temporarily operating out of the Quality Inn located at 4303 Kitsap Way, Bremerton. We currently have space for 75 guests but hope to increase our capacity as winter weather approaches. 

We operate a low barrier shelter but cannot accept pets at this time. Families are welcome and will be allowed to stay together. Unmarried couples will be placed with roommates of the same sex. Couples sharing a child, whether they are married or not, will be placed together. 


Our Services


We provide three nutritious meals per day, every day, to those who have found shelter with us.

Case Management

Case managers serve to connect our guests with available resources. Their care helps enable our guests to stabilize and connect with the services they need. 


Laundry facilities are available for a fee. If you have no income you may do chores to earn a laundry card for the laundromat up the street.


Our hygiene center is open twice a day 

Mental Health, Addiction Recovery Support & Medical Services

PCHS (Peninsula Community Health Services) Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Professionals are on site Monday through Friday to provide immediate access to those in crisis. Their presence has made a marked difference in decreasing the use of emergency services by our guests. The PCHS Medical Mobile Unit comes weekly to provide medical services on site to our guests. 


Transportation is available to go to the store and to appointments Tuesdays and Thursdays.


A Chaplain is here to meet with you Tuesday and Thursday. Worship service is offered once a month.

How to Reserve a Bed 

If you or someone you know needs a safe place to stay, the first step is to sign up with Housing Solutions Center located at 1201 Park Ave, Bremerton WA 98337. Their walk-in hours are Monday thru Friday, 8:30am-10:30am and 12:30pm-3:30pm. Check their website for possible Covid restrictions for in-person visits

In addition to managing referrals for the Kitsap Rescue Mission, Housing Solutions handles referrals for multiple shelters in Kitsap County. They know which shelters have available space and which will be the best fit for you.

Space is limited and beds fill up quickly. The telephone number for reservations is 360-801-0209

We are not accepting walk-in guests at this time. 

Main phone number for KRM: (360)337-9120

reserve a bed

Resource Guide

reserve a bed

What We Expect of Guests Staying at KRM

Kitsap Rescue Mission’s Continuous-stay Shelter is a transitional place to live that provides a safe and supportive environment for those currently without housing. You may stay until you find housing as long as you honor our community agreement. Residents actively participate in the community with oversight provided from the Kitsap Rescue Mission. This community agreement is based on six basic rules:

  1. No violence to yourselves or others
  2. No theft
  3. No alcohol, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia allowed on site (marijuana is not allowed on Quality Inn property)
  4. No persistent, disruptive behavior
  5. Everyone must contribute to the upkeep and cleanliness of their assigned rooms.
  6. No weapons of any kind

When you arrive, you will be asked to sign our guest agreement and be assigned to a room. You will be given 2 bins and a laundry bag in which to store your belongings.

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