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Support The Mission

As a nonprofit we are donor supported. Our homeless community needs your support to find their way home. Thank you for partnering with us!

KRM is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. WSCR #27830

News & Updates


Guest Stories

KRM in the News

John’s Story

The downtown areas of Bremerton are overpopulated with homeless people. And a lot of those homeless people don't want to be clean and sober. But a lot of us here are clean, like me, I have over three months now clean and sober. And it is it's kind of stressful...

Cindy’s Story

Cindy knew about the Kitsap Rescue Mission.  She had visited KRM with friends, and had enjoyed the wonderful free coffee and welcoming staff.   Later, when she suffered the loss of her own housing, Cindy knew she could turn to KRM for shelter and guidance.  Gina, our...

Spring 2021 Update

We have big news and a big prayer request! As we have moved into Phase 3, the County Parks and Recreation Department is looking forward to using the Pavilion again as the event center it was designed to be. That means the shelter needs a new home. The Kitsap...

Lee’s Story

Lee was someone who began coming into the dayroom a few years ago when we were on 6th Street. She struggled privately with addiction, was elderly and frail, but guarded. While she kept coming back she wasn’t yet at a place of trust. When we moved to the Pavilion, she...

Daniel’s Story

Living in the Fairgrounds was the best experience of my life. I was treated with respect, always had food and a hot shower. Met some of the most remarkable people on this Earth. Kitsap Rescue Mission, in my opinion should be a model for every city, county, state and...

Current Shelter Needs

Fall Donation Update: Donations are by appointment only. Please email Mary Kay at to set up a drop off appointment. We are asking for and receiving donations of:   ​ Click Here for our Amazon Wish List!  ​ The Kitsap Rescue Mission is now...

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